To help us quickly assess your application, please follow the set of steps below
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To apply to rent a property please select a city below and then complete the tenancy application form.

To make it easy for you to apply to rent a property through Metropole  please complete your application online through 1Form and attach 100 points of identification and any other supporting documentation. This will be automatically emailed to us.
(Note: This online service is provided by 1Form will not cost you anything unless you want to save your details with them.)


To help us promptly process your application:

  1. Please complete a separate application for each person wanting to reside in the property.
  2. We will not be able to process your application if all sections have not been completed.
  3. Applicants must inspect the inside of the property prior to being approved.

Sydney Property Management (NSW)

Level 4, 203 – 233 New South Head Road - Edgecliff, NSW 2027
P: 02 9327 2266
F: 02 9327 2929


Here’s what some of our clients are saying about us:
  • As an interstate landlord, I trust Metropole Property Management to look after our Melbourne interests. Their service and communication is first rate.
    Terry Clark, South Australia

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